THIS ANNOUCEMENT IS ONLY FOR NON REGISTERED AUTHORS. Dear colleagues, we really appreciate your submission and contribution to the ICP 2020+ Scientific programme. As we are working on the preliminary agenda for the attendees and for you to know your presentation date we would like to ask you for cooperation. Unfortunately, your abstract is still...
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Dear colleagues, we added new dates for Supporting Sessions “How to create your video presentation” on May 18 and May 25, 2021. You can register HERE.
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Dear colleagues, Hope this message will find you well and safe. First of all we would like to thank you for your patience and the loyalty to stay with us for one more year for the upcoming ICP 2020+, we really appreciate it. As you know the upcoming ICP 2020+ will be held as a...
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Dear authors and presenters, based on many of your requests the Organising Committee decided to extend the deadline for video submission till June 7, 2021.  For more information please read the latest newsletter HERE.
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Dear colleagues, we are opening the submission for Rapid Communication Posters. Do not miss the opportunity and share your  late-breaking ideas and findings at ICP 2020+ July 18-23, 2021. The Submission is open until April 30, 2021. This is your last chance to represent yourself, your country and the region at ICP 2020+. More information HERE.
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Dear colleague, we appreciate your interest in ICP 2020+ and we thank you for joining us as a speaker for the upcoming hybrid event on July 18 – 23, 2021. For easier preparation for your scientific part of the conference, we provide you with the GUIDELINES FOR SPEAKERS. The purpose of this document is to:...
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Dear colleagues, today is the last day for the presenters to be registered for ICP 2020+ and have their accepted abstract published in the ICP 2020+ Book of Abstracts. This will be published as a special Supplement to the International Journal of Psychology by Willey Publishers. DO NOT MISS A CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR WORK/...
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Dear presenters, We hope all of you are well and safe. The preparations of the upcoming ICP 2020+ are in a full swing. The deadline for the presenters’ registration is approaching. JUST 5 DAYS LEFT – April 15, 2021. We really appreciate your interest at ICP 2020+ by submitting your abstract. We would like to...
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Dear ICP2020+ Presenters, We really appreciate your ongoing interest in the 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020+) which will be held this July 18 – 23, 2021. The very first ICP was held in Paris, France in August 1889, with Alfred Binet, Gilles De La Tourette, Emile Durkheim, William James, Sergei Korsakoff, and Wilhelm Wundt amongst...
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You can find the latest newsletter HERE.
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