2. If you find our your registration is paid, please do not register again!
3. If you do not know if you are able to attend in-person you have time to switch your type of attendance by June 15, 2021. We know it is difficult to predict the situation so take your time for the decision.
4. If you have already made the decision to attend on-line but have an in-person ticket please fill in the form below.
Based on the current situation we offer the possibility for those who are not able to come to Prague and were registered for in-person attendance to switch the type to on-line with a partial refund. Check more HERE.
All presenters have to be registered by the deadline for the presenters on April 15, 2021 to have their accepted abstract published in a special Supplement of International Journal of Psychology published by Willey.
Early Registration by 1st December 2019 17:00 CET
Category I* | 10.500 CZK |
Category II* | 9.500 CZK |
Category III* | 8.000 CZK |
Student | 3.800 CZK |
Accompanying Person | 2.500 CZK |
Registration by 1st May 2021 17:00 CET
Category I* in-person | 12.500 CZK |
Category I* on-line | 8.900 CZK |
Category II* in-person | 10.000 CZK |
Category II* on-line | 7.900 CZK |
Category III* in-person | 8.700 CZK |
Category III* on-line | 6.900 CZK |
Student in-person | 4.500 CZK |
Student on-line | 3.200 CZK |
Accompanying Person | 2.500 CZK |
0.00 Kč |
Registration after 1st May 2021
Category I* in-person | 14.000 CZK |
Category I* on-line | 10.500 CZK |
Category II* in-person | 11.000 CZK |
Category II* on-line | 9.000 CZK |
Category III* in-person | 10.000 CZK |
Category III* on-line | 7.900 CZK |
Student in-person | 5.000 CZK |
Student on-line | 3.700 CZK |
Accompanying Person | 2.500 CZK |
Workshop ½ day | 1.200 CZK |
Workshop full day | 2.000 CZK |
All deadline dates are in Central European Time (CET).
All registration fees are in Czech Crown (CZK). To view the current foreign rate, please visit e.g. Kurzy.cz
* The list of countries eligible for fee reduction is available here.
Category I: High Income Countries
Category II: Medium Income Countries
Category III: Low Income Countries
** Students must be full time & confirmation of status from the department head must accompany the registration.
*** Accompanying person is limited to delegate's family only.
For group registration with more than 10 participants please contact the Congress Secretariat at secretariat@icp2020.com.
Registration Fee for participants & students includes:
Registration fee for Accompanying persons includes:
Invitation letters for visa purposes can only be sent to participants who have completed the registration process = pay the registration fee.
Online Registration
There is only one possible way to register online for the ICP 2020+ Congress and that is through the ICP 2020+ online registration system on the website www.icp2020.com.
The invoice is issued upon request by email to secretariat@icp2020.com. please note that it takes about 4 days. the invoice will be issued based on the billing information provided during your registration process. For any changes a fee 20 EUR will be charged.
On-site Registration
While on-site registration will be possible, it is recommended that participants register online well in advance and ensure their participation in ICP2020+. On-site registration will be handled on a first come, first served basis. Allocation of a delegate bag cannot be guaranteed.
The registration fee does not include any insurance for participants. Participants are advised to take out adequate insurance.
Payment must be made in Czech Crowns (CZK) and can be made by one of the following methods:
Account number: 629036836/0300
IBAN: CZ9203000000000629036836
Cancellation of Registration
General Cancellation Conditions
These General registration guidelines are effective from 7th of April 2020 and apply only to participants that registered on 7th of April 2020 and further.
For those who registered before April 7th, 2020 and did not contact ICP 2020 Secretariat for refund based on the Announcement https://www.icp2020.com/news/applies the original Cancellation Policies below:
Cancellation of Registration
Data Privacy
The European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) entered into force as of 25 May 2018 and it involves some additions to data protection.
We take your privacy very seriously and in order to comply with GDPR consent requirements, we need you to confirm that you agree with our new Privacy Policy during the process of creating the account in our system. You can view it here.
After creating your user account in our system, you can manage your information, protect your privacy and security via our online portal that is fully GDPR compliant.
Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding the Privacy Policy, Data Protection and GDPR in general by an email or by phone +420221890571.