Announcement for NON REGISTERED authors


Dear colleagues,

we really appreciate your submission and contribution to the ICP 2020+ Scientific programme. As we are working on the preliminary agenda for the attendees and for you to know your presentation date we would like to ask you for cooperation.

Unfortunately, your abstract is still stated as unpaid so we do not have your registration paid.
Please check your account if you have your abstract and paid registration in your ICP 2020+ account (all in one account). If you are facing any problems with your registration please let us know on emailĀ

If we do not receive payment or any feedback from you by the end of May your abstract will be excluded from the programme of the upcoming ICP 2020+ and deleted from the system.

Thank you for understanding.

Please ignore this email if you are already in touch with us or with the Czech-Moravian Psychological Society regarding your registration.