Moderated by:
Martina Klicperová (Institut of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic))
Christina Maslach (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Philip Zimbardo (Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA)
Elizabeth Loftus (University of California, Irvine CA, USA)
Robert Cialdini (Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, USA)
The history of psychology has been one of extensive work to understand human beings and all aspects of their lives. It has had the goal of improving the quality of life for these human beings, by helping them to overcome obstacles, and to enhance their learning and capability. For psychology researchers, the call to work more actively to “give psychology away” came 50 years ago, from George Miller, the experimental psychologist who was the president of the American Psychological Association. How have researchers responded to that call during the past half century? Several American researchers will have a conversation about their work to apply the knowledge gained from their scientific research, and to be part of the journey towards achieving a better life for all people.
Moderated by:
Michal Pitoňák (National Health Institute Prague, Czech Republic)
Irena Smetáčková (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic)
Sharon G. Horne (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA)
Sin Yin Janet Yick (Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong)
Reynel Chaparro (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia)
Juan A Nel (University of South Africa, South Africa)
Daniel Bąk (Polish Psychological Association, Poland)
Aldo Barrita (University of California, USA)
Despite the fact that scholarly understanding of LGBTIQ+ people's well-being and health has rapidly grown in the past years, the rights, mental health, and well-being of LGBTIQ+ people are still under societal and psychological strain related to widespread heteronormativity, stigmatization, and recent politicizing of LGBTQ+ issues in certain regions, including Central and Eastern Europe.Many psychology professional organizations including national psychological organizations have decided to respond to these concerns by establishing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) thematic sections and networks (e.g. IPSyNet) contributing to handling LGBTIQ+ concerns around the world.This roundtable will be organized during ICP 2021 in Prague to discuss the importance and potential roles of SOGI sections within the psychological associations within the contemporary world. Examples of strategies and paths organizations have taken to foster LGBTIQ+ awareness and advocacy will be shared. In addition, activism and advocacy examples from around the world will be described, as well as how they intersect with current psychology practices and professional psychology organizing on LGBTIQ+ concerns.
Moderated by:
Saths Cooper (President of the Pan-African Psychology Union, South Africa)
Saths Cooper, immediate Past President of IUPsyS and President of the Pan-African Psychology Union, will talk to what made him survive nine years in apartheid South African jails, raising policy and human rights issues that psychology must consider to remain credible.
Andreas Maercker, University of Zurich (German Order of Merit, 2017, for his work in psychotraumatology) will deal with his and his companions’ torture at the hands of the East German STASI, and will use his scientific knowledge to consider the implications for society.
Nora Sveaass, University of Oslo, will provide her unique insights from the perspective of being a member of the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture, and the psychological consequences of torture and violence as well as treatment and rehabilitation of victims of torture and violence.
The complicity of psychologists in torture has been one of the most controversial issues facing the discipline. Albert Bandura, when he was APA President, strongly raised the involvement of psychologists in the torture of political opponents during the Latin American military junta period with the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS). At the 21st Paris ICP1976, IUPsyS "condemned any collaboration by psychologists - whether actively or passively, directly or indirectly - with such human rights abuses", and urged its national country members "to oppose any abuses of this sort". At the 31st Yokohama ICP2016, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights endorsed the IUPsyS position, urging psychologists to respect the human rights of people under our care and respect professional ethics.
However, little is known about psychologists being at the receiving end of state torture. High-profile psychologists will share their personal experience and shed light on their own torture at the hands of apartheid security police in South Africa and the East German STASI. They will discuss the lessons to be derived for science and its numerous applications in our fragile world.
Moderated by:
Nigel Evans (NEC, United Kingdom)
Tomáš Urbánek (President of the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Mark Schittekatte (Ghent University, Belgium)
Filip Smolík (President of the Czech-Moravian Psychological Society, Czech Republic)
Hynek Cígler (Editor-in-chief, Testforum Journal, Czech Republic)
The round-the-table, will present perspectives on creating, managing, using and participating in a test review process. The objective is to make participants aware of the potential benefits of a test review process in encouraging best practice in test development as well as providing a powerful resource for test users. Psychological tests are used for many purposes across all areas of psychology and therefore this session will be of interest to practitioners from all streams as well to academics interested in teaching and researching on the use of instruments. It will be of particular interest to those considering developing a test review process in their own country.
Moderated by:
Bohumila Baštecká (Czech-Moravian Psychological Society, Czech Republic)
Alla Shaboltas (St. Petersburg State University, Russia)
Roger Paxton (British Psychological Society´s ethics committee, United Kingdom)
Henk Geertsema ( Professional ethics, Netherlands)
Topics connected with HR (ISIS children, refugees, climate change) are typically transdisciplinary ones, representing “wicked problems” of today. They rely on “stakeholder involvement and engaged, socially responsible science” (Bernstein, 2015). They are not solvable by one perspective or one discipline.
We ask: Have we any formulated psychological standpoint for transdisciplinary debate concerning these “hot” topics? What we can add as psychologists (except of general discourse of HR)? How do we involve main stakeholders of these problems? What does “engaged, socially responsible science” mean for us? What all these questions have to do with ethics?
We will share ethical and other dilemmas in the intersection of psychological ethics (psychology) and human rights (politics).
We will include audience and together look for shared ethical metaperspective.
Moderated by:
Ralf Risser (Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Petr Zámečník (Transport Research Centre, Czech Republic)
Josef Krems (TU Chemnitz, Germany)
Matúš Šucha (Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic)
There is much controversy about future autonomous mobility. On the one hand there are expectations of a fully autonomous traffic with people as „guests“. On the other hand there is scepticism about the possibility of a autonomous traffic system where man with all his unpredictability is included. What will traffic in 30 years look like? Will there be fully autonomous highways and autonomous traffic in the cities? Or will there rather be mixed traffic with some special high-tech highways for fully autonomous vehicles only? And what will the role of people in this traffic be? Will they be guests „enjoying the service provided by machines “? Will people adapt to the automatisation, then? If so, in which way? Will people accept this change of paradigm? These questions and more will be discussed at the Round table „Autonomous mobility: what will traffic in 2050 be like? And what will the role of road users in it be? “.
Moderated by:
Merry Bullock (International Council of Psychologists, USA/Estonia) &
Polli Hagenaars (EFPA Board Human Rights, Netherlands)
Tholene Sodi (University of Limpopo, South Africa)
Ava Thompson (University of the Bahamas, Bahamas)
Tony Wainwright (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
Moderated by:
Simona Hoskovcová (Police of the Czech Republic)
Štěpán Vymětal(Head ministry counsellor, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic)
Florian Stoeck (Germany)
Ava Thompson (Bahamas))
and more are coming soon...