ICP 2020+ Speakers Guidelines
Dear colleague, we appreciate your interest in ICP 2020+, and we thank you for joining us as a speaker for the upcoming hybrid event on July 18 - 23, 2021. For easier preparation for your scientific part of the conference, we provide you with these guidelines. The purpose of this document is to:
- Advise speakers on the required format when preparing their presentations for the ICP 2020+ congress.
- Assist you in preparing a presentation that will allow the audience to get the maximum benefit from your speech and will enable the organizers to ensure that the conference will be conducted smoothly in these challenging times.
The scientific programme combines Pre-recorded Synchronous Sessions, Live Synchronous Sessions, and Poster presentations. Please follow the Guidelines based on your type of presentation and the format of your attendance.
Duration (including discussion) based on the presentation type:
Oral Presentation - 15min
Keynote Presentation 30 min
State of the Art Lecture 45 min
Symposium 90 min
Round Table 90 min
Poster Presentation 60 min
Due to the unpredictable situation, ALL speakers of oral presentations and symposia are required to record and upload their video presentations to their ICP 2020 + account by June 20, 2021. All types of presentations have to be uploaded in the system through the author's/ Chair's ICP 2020+ account in ONE FILE (please see the Guidelines for on-line speakers).
June 20, 2021 - deadline delivery of the video presentation
We request you to prepare and upload a video presentation, including the speaker's window. The speaker window must be in the top right corner of the screen and not covering your slides. The recommended tools will accommodate this requirement.
We are accepting only a video file in MP4 format (more details below). Please do not try to upload PowerPoint or PDF files.
Videos must be submitted on or before June 20, 2021, 23:59 CEST. Late submissions are not accepted. In order for the videos to be processed and checked by our Technical Board, there is considerable urgency in preparing, finalizing and uploading your video no later than the above-stated deadline.
Examples: ICP_ID#455_oral_Novak_Petr.MP4,
ICP_ID#455_symposium_Novak_Petr.MP4 or
Video Production
Please be sure your video(s) comply with the following instructions:
Additional tips:
Find below some links for recommended tools. All these tools are meeting the requirements for video presentations of ICP 2020+. Of course, you can use any other tools which you prefer and follow our technical requirements.
To record your screen (and microphone) while giving the presentation, there are practical and free options to do this on macOS, and Windows.
Most video editing software also provides an exporting option to MPEG-4/H.264. There are also a number of free encoding solutions you can use, such as x264 can encode any video into H.264. Freemake Video Converter and Handbrake both provide good results in converting video file
Should you wish to polish your video, there are numerous video editing tools available such as OSB Studio, iMovie, Lightworks or open-source Avidemux with its instructions guide.
Note: We do not endorse or are responsible for the use of any of the software mentioned in this guide.
Please be sure to review your recorded presentation prior to submission and follow the checklist below.
Examples: ICP_ID#455_oral_Novak_Petr.MP4,
ICP_ID#455_symposium_Novak_Petr.MP4 or
Once you are happy with the final product, please upload it to the ICP 2020+ system following the guidance below:
Instructions for uploading your video presentation:
1) Upload option will be available only for registered presenters from May 1, 2021.
2) log into YOUR ICP 2020+ account on the conference website with the user name you used for abstract submission. Click on “Video”.
3) Choose the file from your computer and click “Upload”.
4) Successful message will be displayed.
5) If a problem is found with the video, you will be contacted by the Organizers to submit a revised recording.
We are here to help you with any problems.
May 18, 2021 - 09:00 and 17:00 UTC
May 25, 2021 - 09:00 and 17:00 UTC
These are the dates for Support sessions, „How to create your video presentation“ and available at 4 different times for those who read these Guidelines and watch recommended videos. During these sessions, we will answer your questions. Still, please be aware this will not be a step-by-step video creation demonstration, rather a discussion over difficulties you face in creating your presentations.
All posters will be presented via the ICP 2020+ online conference platform. Online Poster Breakout Rooms will be scheduled for a group of posters. Each poster presenter will be assigned to a specific time slot for discussion.
For the presentation on the online platform, deliver a single page in PDF format with a size up to 10 MB at maximum and please use the aspect ratio of A0 with landscape orientation, approximately 1,4:1
You may include a hyperlink to other materials in the PDF document (e.g., a YouTube video describing the poster, additional supporting materials).
Please use the following naming convention:
conference type_abstractsID# (was generated by your abstract submission)_abstract type_surname_first name
Example: ICP_ID#455_poster_Novak_Petr.pdf
Be sure to include recommended structure:
Please check useful links for instructions for Converting Microsoft PowerPoint to PDF and converting Google Slides to PDF
Tips for Poster Preparation
In case of any other questions related to ICP 2020+ Speakers Guidelines contact us at helpdesk@icp2020.com (Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CEST).