Keynote Addresses

Please note that The International Congress of Psychology is a unique event comprising several thousand participants in over 40 thematic areas. Each ICP 2020 theme has its own scientific working group  and program track. Experts in the particular field select an outstanding and respected expert to present a Keynote Address at the thematic plenary session. Keynote Addresses remains very special presentation which is honorary and their speakers were nominated in a very competitive process.

Clinical Psychology

Bernal GuillermoPRI
Dudley-Grant RitaVGB
Gewirtz AbigailGBR
Khoury BrigitteLBN
Sodi TholeneZAF
Stelios GeorgiadesCYP
Zinchenko Yuri PetrovichRUS

Cognitive Psychology

Boroditsky LeraUSA
Denis MichelFRA
Guo XiuyanCHN
Herlitz AgnetaSWE
Matsuzawa TetsuroJAP
Sebanz NatalieHUN
Srinivasan NarayananIND
Verbruggen FrederickBEL

Crises, Disasters and Trauma Psychology

Hobfoll StevanUSA
Jacobs GerardUSA
Levanon TaliaISR
Tehrani NoreenGBR

Cross-Cultural Psychology

Abubakar AminaKEN
Cheung M. C. FannyCHN
Guerda NicolasHTI
Idemudia ErhaborZAF
Khan KatijaTTO
Worrell FrankTTO
Chen Xiaohua SylviaHKG

Developmental Psychology

Längle AlfriedAUT
Richaud Maria CristinaARG
Ramus FranckFRA
Silbereisen RainerGER

Educational Psychology

Assor AviISR
Elliot Andrew J.USA
Grabner RolandAUT
Graesser Arthur C. USA
Singh Nandini C. IND
Spiel ChristianeAUT
Spinath BrigitDEU
Tabane RamodungoaneZAF

Environmental Psychology

Schultz P. Wesley USA
Verdugo Victor Corral MEX

Evolutionary Psychology

Butovskaya Marina RUS
Leongomez Juan DavidCOL
Fernandez Ana MariaCHL
Sorokowska Agnieszka POL
Varella Correa Marco AntonioBRA

Forensic Psychology

Bering RobertDEU
Kosinski MichalUSA
Pillay AnthonyZAF
Rawat SamirIND
Vrij AldertGBR


Nyberg LarsSWE

Health Psychology

Blatný MarekCZE
Menon AnithaZMB
O´Connor DarylGBR
Mpofu EliasZWE
Renner BrittaDEU
Veenhoven RuutNLD

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Korunka Christian AUT
Längl AlfriedAUT

Media Psychology

Billieux Joel LUX
Livingstone SoniaGBR
Peter JochenNLD

Methodology in Psychology

Ishtar GoviaJAM
Maree DavidZAF
Meiser Thorsten DEU

Military and Space Psychology

Annen Hubert CHE
Boe OleNOR
Gouws JacquesCAN
Suedfeld PeterCAN


Bak ThomasGBR
Bezdíček OndřejCZE
Crowe SimonAUS
Lamm ClausAUT
Landeira-Fernandez JesusBRA
Mei - Chun Lee TaitaHKG
Reuter MartinDEU
Suchy YanaUSA
Tyrer StephenGBR
Varrassi GiustinoMLT

Political Psychology

Auer StefanHKG
Bar-Tal DanielISR
Boehnke KlausDEU
Mc Farland SamUSA
Moghaddam FathaliUSA
Pratto FeliciaUSA
Waitoki MoanaNZL
Winter DavidUSA

Positive Psychology

Araujo UlisessBRA
Bond Michael HKG
Delle Fave AntonellaITA
Ruch WillibaldSWE
Soosai LawrenceIND
Steger MichaelUSA
Vallerand Robert J. CAN
Vazquez CarmeloESP
Wissing MariéZAF


Singer MurrayCAN


Greyner Brin AUS
Iwakabe ShigeruJAP
Kyriakos Platrites CYP
Soygüt Pekak GoncaTUR

Psychological Counselling

Duarte Maria EduardaPRT
Farias MiguelGBR
Maree KobusZAF
Nyklicek Ivan NLD
Timulak LadislavIRL
Wageman RuthUSA

Psychological Testing and Assessment

Frey AndreasDEU

Psychology and Ethics

Allan AlfredAUS

Psychology of Communication

Scott Sophie GBR

Psychology of Developmental Disorders

Caravolas MarkétaGBR
Spanoudis GeorgiusCYP
Tjus TomasSWE

Psychology of Economics and Business

Ute StephanGBR
Joel DiGirolamoUSA

Psychology of Emotions

Consedine NathanNZL
Liang Keng-ChenTWN
Matsumoto DavidUSA

Psychology of Gender

Gough Brendan GBR

Psychology of Morality

Flegr JaroslavCZE
Klicperová-Baker MartinaCZE
Lawyer StevenCAN
Paulhus Delroy L.CAN

Psychology of Personality

Di Blas LisaITA
Suh Eunkook M.KOR
Tredoux ColinZAF
Yik MichelleHKG

Psychology of Prevention and Intervention

Sanchez MarizaidaPRI
Seedat MohamedZAF
Suffla ShahnaazZAF

Psychology of Religion

De Zoysa PiyanjaliLKA
Paloutzian RayUSA
Saroglou Vassilis BEL

Psychology of Sexual Health

Borg CharmaineNLD
Dewitte MariekeNLD
Kamenskov MaximRUS
Klapilová KateřinaCZE
Nel JuanZAF
Nobre PedroPRT
Pfaus JamesCAN
Varella - Valentova Jaroslava BRA

Psychology of Sport

Maro CyprianTZA
Mudrák JiříCZE
Seiler RolandCHE
Tenenbaum GershonUSA


Maercker AndreasCHE

Social Psychology

De la Rey CherylZAF
Gollwitzer Peter DEU
Oettingen GabrielleDEU
Roland - Lévy ChristineFRA
Van Dick Rolf DEU

School Psychology

Bartolo Paul A.MLT
Furman AntonUSA
Juriševič MojcaSLO
Murty Wicaksono Ade IvaIDN
Partanen Petri SWE
Pillay JaceZAF

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Blair KarenUSA
Peel ElizabethGBR
Pachankis JohnUSA

Teaching Psychology

Thompson Ava D.BHS

Theoretical and General Psychology

Baddeley Alan GBR
Beckers Tom BEL
Chiu Chi - YueSGP
Mendez Milagros A.PRI
Pérez-Almonacid RicardoMEX

Traffic Psychology

Chaloupka-Risser Christine AUT
Hu JiangbiCHN
Krems JosefDEU


Barbarian OscarUSA
Bowman BrettZAF
Bulhan HusseinSOM
Bullock MerryUSA
Cooper SathsZAF
Duncan NormanZAF
Farley FrankUSA
Hagenaars PolliNLD
Goboda-Madikizela PumlaZAF
Lang MartinCZE
Liu Woon ChiaSGP
Mkhize Nhlanhla ZAF
Pillay BasilZAF
Pons FranciscoAND
Ratele KopanoZAF
Stubbs-Young NicoraBHS
Swartz LeslyeZAF