Tehrani Noreen

Noreen is Past Chair of the Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society and has worked with various aspects of trauma for a long time.  She was directly involved in dealing with 9/11 and 7/7 terrorist attacks and more recently has worked on the Shoreham air crash, the Westminster and London Bridge terrorist attacks and the Grenfell Tower disaster. She has also supported first responders and victims of a wide range of traumatic incidents including child abuse, murders, rapes, fatal accidents and road crashes.

Currently she is working with several police forces to reduce the incidence of primary and secondary trauma in police officers and staff involved in working in undercover operations, firearms, road deaths and child abuse. Noreen has written many articles, papers and book chapters including two books on trauma Workplace Trauma – concepts, assessment and intervention and Managing Trauma in the Workplace.