Shigeru Iwakabe

Shigeru Iwakabe, Ph.D., is a professor in Developmental Clinical Psychology at Ochanomizu University in Tokyo, Japan. He received his PhD at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 2001. He conducts psychotherapy research on client emotional processes from an integrative perspective. His research interests include: training and professional development in psychotherapy, case study research method, psychotherapy integration, and cultural and social issues related to the practice of psychotherapy.

His publication includes: Iwakabe, S., Fukushima, T., & Ito, E. (2013). Introduction to clinical psychology: Traversing various approaches. [in Japanese] Tokyo, Japan: Yuhikaku. Iwakabe, S. (2010). The process of qualitative research in clinical psychology. [in Japanese] Tokyo, Japan: Iwasaki Academic Publishing. Iwakabe, S. (2009). Research methods in psychotherapy process research. [in Japanese]Tokyo, Japan: Shinyo-sha. Iwakabe, S. (2008). Clinical explorations of therapeutic failures: How therapists face, work through, and grow from their mistakes. [in Japanese] Tokyo, Japan: Kongo Publishing.

He serves as a research committee for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. He is the president for The Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. He serves as a member of executive committee for Japanese Association of Clinical Psychology and also as a committee members of several psychological associations. He is a co-chief editor for Counselling Psychology Quarterly and also on an editorial board member for a number of international journals.