Michael Bond

Speech title:
Finding cross-cultural psychology: A pilgrim's progress journeying in the Middle Kingdom and beyond


Having relocated to Hong Kong in 1974 as a social-personality psychologist, I began 46 years of “chasing the Dragon”, i.e., struggling to understand the psychology of the Chinese people. That Oriental Odyssey began with collecting the available empirical studies in the main areas of Chinese psychology and making these integrations available to English-reading academics (Bond, 1986, 1996, 2010). The delivery of these collections has paralleled four stages in the development of cross-cultural psychology – the Eureka, the Mercator, the Psychological Unpackaging, and the Cross-Level Stages.

I will describe each stage with reference to our growing understanding of Chinese psychology and explain how each stage spurred the development of the next. I finish by proposing a hopeful agenda for future research in cross-cultural psychology that transcends the Siren lure of collectivism-individualism.