Frequently asked questions


When is the deadline to upload my Poster? 

All poster presenters will be required to upload the poster file (.pdf format) directly to the online platform by July 15, 2021. The personalized link will be sent to each poster presenter on July 1, 2021. 

Do I need to pre-record a Video presentation or Audio file for my poster session? 

No. The only necessary file is your Poster (.pdf format). According to the time and date set in the Conference agenda, a poster session will be held in an open breakout room. Participants will come and join the discussion, use the written Q&A or Chat tools.    

What are the main differences between Rapid Poster and Poster sessions? 

Rapid Poster will be hanged up for one particular day in the congress program without live Q&A. 

The Rapid Communication abstracts will not be included in the ICP 2020+ collection of abstracts. 


How do I find the Session name to provide this piece of information in my Video presentation? 

The Session name is a Thematic Area to which you had signed your Abstract to. On the conference login page to your ICP 2020+ account, under the Dashboard tap in the upper right corner, you can find your Abstract along with the Category name. 

Where can I find the Upload link for my pre-recorded Video presentation? 

On the conference login page to your ICP 2020+ account, you can find your Video upload link under the Dashboard tap in the upper right corner. Also, view the submission manual in our Guidelines, page no.7, the bottom part, and follow the steps listed. 

I submitted my pre-recorded video (Oral, Keynote, Symposia). How long it takes to acknowledge its correctness and useability? 

All pre-recorded videos will be checked for their quality, length, technical parameters etc. In case of any incompatibility of your video file, you will be automatically contacted by the technical department before June 10, 2021.  

My pre-recorded video is not exactly 15 minutes long (Oral Presentation), and I can´t further reduce the information in my Powerpoint slides. Is this a problem? 

We recommend keeping your video timeline as close as possible to the maximum length of 15 minutes for Oral presentationHowever, suppose your videfile is, e.g. 26 seconds longer. In that case, we will not edit or cut your work, and the technical solution will be incorporateto release your complete file into thConferencprogram. 

How can I record my Symposia video and where to upload the pre-recorded file? 

The first option for 3-5 presenteris to connect via standard communication platforms (Zoom, Webex, Teams, Google meet, others) and record one video file. 

The second option is to create separate pre-recorded video presentation for each individual and use any available online tool (keywords: merge video, join video) to connect gathered video files together. Should you wish to contact any of your technically proficient colleagues, please do so. Also, any of your local video production companies or Computer System Group ( will be able to support your video creation with a paid service 

The Chair is responsible for uploading the file under his/heICP2020+ account. 


I registered for 2020 as an in-person attendee but I am not able to come to Prague this year. What should I do?

If you registered for the 2020 Congress as in-person attendee your registration could be switched to on-line form and a partial refund of the price difference would be provided. Please fill in the form of changing your registration type  HERE

I want to register on-line but if I want to change later to in-person attendance is it possible?

You can register on-line and if you decide later to come to Prague you will pay the additional costs by bank transfer or on-site at the Registration desk.

What exactly is a hybrid conference?

Well, a hybrid format is a type of conference were the participants are  gathering in-person as well as in a virtual environment or if you want on-site and on-line. ICP 2020+ will be held physically in Prague, the Czech Republic with a virtual component attached to it. The attendees who will be unable to come to Prague can attend the conference virtually. So everybody can choose flexibly between physical or virtual attendance according to personal needs and preferences!

Will there be a difference between the access for physical and virtual attendees?

We could say, all attendees will have the same access to pre-recorded and live stream videos as well. So you don't need to worry that you will miss some part of the scientific program in the virtual part of the conference! Our mission is to bring both audiences on the same page. The on-site audience will just have the opportunity to meet some of the colleagues and experts face-to-face in Prague.

What will the hybrid conference offer to the participants?

ICP 2020+ will be hosted on a hybrid conference platform enabling you to connect and network with people globally. Our platform offers interactive and engaging features and helps in delivering immersive event experiences. You will have a chance to become a part of Live discussion sessions, Live thematic discussions, Live chats, polls, surveys, Q&A sessions, virtual meet ups, gamification, and much more.

How will I prepare myself for the conference as an attendee?

You will be provided with tutorials on how to deal with the conference platform which you can access from your mobile devices and computers. A couple of weeks before the conference you will have open access there. The first and last of your tasks will be to update your profile which you can fill with your photo, bio, affiliance, thematic areas of interest, contact details. Based on this provided information other attendees can search your profile. This is a crucial step as one of the biggest advantages of hybrid conferences is professional networking. You don't need to worry about security because the networking will be happening only within the platform and you do not need to share any personal contacts unless you will want to do so. This means you will have a chance to start networking, sharing experiences and knowledge before the conference! And of course you will be able to set up your own programme as "My schedule".

How will I prepare for the conference as a presenter?

We understand that for some participants ICP 2020+ will be the first experience with a hybrid /online type of conference. So besides the tutorial on how to update your speaker profile on the platform, we will provide you with tutorials on how to prepare pre-recorded video files and poster presentations. We will organize supporting technical sessions which you can join online too. We will provide you with step by step guidance and will be supporting you through the process. So you do not have to be stressed. We will make it together to your successful presentation.

What will the online part of the conference look like?

As was mentioned before all participants will have full access to all sessions, doesn't matter if they will be pre-recorded or live streamed. All live stream videos will be accessible as recorded videos too after the session in the library! And all recorded videos will be available for all attendees for a couple of months after the conference. So do not be worried that you will miss anything! The prolonged access to video files will give you more time for live thematic sessions, meetups, and more engagement activities during the conference dates. And of course, you will be able to network after the conference on the platform too!

How can I choose between personal or virtual attendance?

As for every conference also for the ICP 2020+ you need to be registered. It means to pay the registration fee. Only the registered attendee will get a unique access to the platform or on-site event. Through the registration process on the ICP 2020+ website you will have the possibility to choose between two options: on-site or on-line attendance.

Will the fee for virtual attendance be cheaper than for personal one?

Yes, we will announce the fees for the virtual attendance and open the virtual registration soon.

Is it possible to upload the presentation in advance?

It will not be just possible but required and mandatory to be able to present. Those, who will not be able to deliver video files and presentations to us before the deadline, will not be part of the conference agenda. We will provide you with tutorials and deadlines soon. And as we said we will provide you with the support. And do not be afraid you will make it and we will help you.

Will it be possible to skip from personal to virtual attendance?

We understand the need for flexibility due to the pandemic. So yes, there will be a possibility to switch the formats.

When will you release detailed guidelines for ICP 2020+?

The detailed Guidelines will be released in March so you will have plenty of time to prepare your presentations and choose from the types of registration.

How will the symposium look like in the case of presenting participants from different time zones?

As with other presentations, symposia will be pre-recorded too. You will be guided on how to create whole video files for symposia. We would like to avoid any last minute situations that some of the presenters might be not available for the conference so pre-recorded presentations will be required.

Will the virtual part of the conference be available for presenters too?

Yes! We really do not want to cut anybody from the chance of attending ICP 2020+! Our motto is Open Minds, societies and the world so we would like to bring all people together wherever they will be in July 2021.

Will be the conference platform with recorded videos available after the conference dates of ICP 2020+?

Yes, you will have a unique full access to the platform for a couple of weeks after the ICP 2020+! So you will not miss anything. But bear in mind it will be available only for the registered attendees.

I am the author of the abstract but I am not able to present. Is it possible to nominate my co-author to present the presentation?

Yes, if you are not able to present and your co-author is stated in your submission He or She is able to present instead of you. But needs to be registered for the conference.

Will the Live sessions be available also on the conference platform?

Deffinitelly. All the live sessions will be recorded and be available.

If I will be registered for personal attendance and due to the SARS-CoV-2 restriction I will not be able to come will I have access to the online part of the conference?

Of course, as we have already mentioned also on-site participants will have access to the online platform.

Where can I find the latest updates about the entry requirement  to the Czech Republic?

For personal attendance please follow the information from the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.

I was a student in 2020 for the planned conference and paid the refgistration fee. Can I attend the conference?

Yes if you paid the registration in 2020 and were a student at that time your registration is still valid and you will not pay additional costs for the delegate fee.

What is the difference between Oral and Poster presentations?

As both types of presentation will be pre-recorded the difference is in the length and type of video. In the case of oral presentation, you will deliver your presentation with a recording of you and the shared presentation in one picture in the length of maximum of 15mins. For the poster presentation, you will be required to deliver an E-poster  with your overvoice .

What is the difference between half day and full day workshops?

 There are two types of workshops. The first one is half day workshop (max 4 hours) and the second one is the full day workshop which consists of two parts morning session and afternoon session with a lunch break between them.

Will the abstracts be published somewhere?

Yes, all the accepted abstracts whose authors pay the registration fee by April 1st, 20201 will be published in a special Supplement of International Journal of Psychology by Willey.