Book of Abstracts

Dear ICP2020+ Participant

Thank you for your contributions to the scientific programme of the 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020+).

As you know, the abstracts of this Congress will be published in the International Journal of Psychology Special Issue: 32nd International Congress of Psychology (Virtual), 19-24 July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic.

Publication of the abstracts has been delayed by a number of COVID-19 related factors. We apologise for this delay and any inconvenience caused. Our team continues to work on resolving the issues and will notify you as soon as publication is finalised.

Please note that ICP2020+ Certificates of Participation and Contributions can still be downloaded from your ICP2020+ account: HERE 

This Letter can be downloaded in PDF HERE


Stanislav Stech                        Šárka Dobiášová                                 Martina Klicperova

President ICP2020+                Secretary-General ICP2020+              Chair, Scientific Committee ICP2020+